The Ho Ho Ho Rally was wonderful.

The Ho! Ho! Ho! Christmas Rally at Coffee Creek was a wonderful weekend. Unlike most recent years, the weather was fantastic. We had 22 rigs present. Great food and fellowship.

Scott Graham won the 16th Annual Aluminum Chef Contest, Susan Coppedge won the outside decoration award, Debi Rich won the inside decoration award and in a stunning upset, Bill Stallworth won the best costume award.

The recently elected officers for 2020 were installed and to a standing ovation outgoing President (and incoming Vice-President Dashelle Murrin was presented with an Airstream themed silver bracelet in appreciation for her work for HOTC in 2019.

The Chinese Gift Exchange was once again a big highlight of the evening.

Some of the more interesting/desirable items were a bottle of Kentucky bourbon inscribed with the HOTC logo, a gift/sign saying: “MY NEXT HUSBAND WILL BE NORMAL” and a different gift/sign saying “MY NEXT WIFE WILL BE NORMAL”. (after several turns of gift stealing those two signs ended up in the same household!) and of course one of Richard and Shelly Knutson’s framed aluminum AIRSTREAM signs.
Lots of fun and neat stuff.

Jim Gresham played his guitar and serenaded us. A large time was had by all.
One long time Airstream couple who had never camped with HOTC before said it was the best time they have ever had at an Airstream event!!

If you have photos you can post them on our Facebook page or . You can also send them to Susan Coppedge at and she will put them up on our website: And if you have anything else that you think should be on the website contact Susan as well.

One last reminder to reserve your space at the January 10th-12th “Reason for Freezin” rally at NTAC in Hillsboro by calling Vickie Graham at (210) 347-8759. The NTAC/HOTC folks have a great rally planned.

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